La collection Rock and Roll de l'illustratrice slovène Polona Pacnik est une collection unique de tasses à café inspirées des divas de la soul et des mauvais garçons du rock and roll. Ici The Naked Pacifist (Imagine there's no Coffee). Lire plus..
La collection Rock and Roll de l'illustratrice slovène Polona Pacnik est une collection unique de tasses à café inspirées des divas de la soul et des mauvais garçons du rock and roll. Ici The Naked Pacifist (Imagine there's no Coffee).
The Naked Pacifist
after listening to John's bed-in interview
he took to a bed for a week,
bought a piano and repainted his living room white.
likes to introduce himself as
prettier than ringo, cooler than paul, wilder than george and
more popular than jesus.
the naked pacifist is a great support
to community leaders and peacemakers everywhere.
La collection Rock and Roll de l'illustratrice slovène Polona Pacnik est une collection unique de t..
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